Who's looking for remote jobs?
I'm Sergio Pereira, and this is the Remote Work newsletter 👋
Last week I told you about my new cohort based course and community, which I'm very excited about launching soon.
Ahead of this launch, I wanted to learn more about everyone interested in learning more and getting support as they search for remote jobs. So I created this brief survey
Today I'll tell you about some of my findings, and you can still reply to the survey here, it's still open.
Today I'll tell you about some of my findings so far about the subscribers of this newsletter who are looking for remote jobs:
1/ We are truly global
People from 36 different countries replied to my survey. Across all continents. From the usual countries you'd expect, such as US, UK or India. To countries with only one respondent, such as Peru, Norway, Kosovo or El Salvador.
India is the most prominent source of respondents (as expected), but it has only 11% of replies. Followed by the UK, US and Philippines.
2/ We are predominantly tech workers
This was also something I expected, since most of you found me at some point at Twitter, where I write mostly about my work as a CTO.
From the respondents, only one person is not in tech. Everyone else works in a tech role. The job titles touch every position I can think of in a tech team: Frontend, Backend, Mobile, Data Science, QA, Cloud, Architect, CTO. Different seniorities and career tracks. Super exciting stuff!
3/ Most of us have significant work experience
Half of the respondents have at least 6 years of relevant professional experience.

There seems to be some commonalities. People who have quite accomplished careers so far, but either work in the office and want to go remote. Or many already work remote, but want to grow their salary by working for a foreign company where local salaries are higher.
Skills are there, it's all about finding a better place to apply. Better in terms of flexibility, salary, etc.
4/ Everyone is applying to remote jobs, or planning to do it
Some people are applying heavily. Others are applying more moderately. Regardless of quantity, most respondents are actively looking for a remote job right now.

Even those few people who haven't applied yet are planning to do it soon, as they explained in the survey comments.
5/ But most are not getting relevant interviews
This is where the real challenge starts for many of you. Applications no translating into interviews. A huge frustration.

42% of respondents aren't getting any interviews. And most others have had some interviews but either got ghosted, or rejected, or received a lowball offer. It's a tight funnel, and this is exactly where I hope the Remote Jobs Braintrust can help.
You can still participate in this short survey. The more replies I have, the better I can target the course contents to everyone's specific needs and challenges. The goal is to actually help you land that nice remote job you're looking for, just like it happened with me a few years ago.
I'll be sending the course registration link exclusively to those in the waitlist
Thanks for reading this newsletter until the end. You can read all past editions here. Make sure to share the link with your friends and colleagues so they can read it too.
See you next Friday,
Sergio Pereira,
Startup CTO & Remote Work Lover