JobsCopilot AI tracks all job openings on earth
I'm Sergio Pereira, and this is the Remote Work newsletter 👋
Last week, I told you about the tradeoffs between a freelance career and a full time career, a hot topic in tech right now.
Today I'm writing about the product I'm building at, especially why I'm building it and how it's going.
Ever since I started writing daily on Twitter and Linkedin, many people have claimed a few things that felt really off to me:
• Are remote jobs really shrinking?
• Is every tech company doing layoffs?
• Will AI replace all tech workers soon?
Lots of fear mongering and non-sense. But where's the hard data to push back on those claims? There was no such source of data about ALL open jobs on earth.
Searching for truth is human nature, and I needed to know everything about the job market, so I could include hard data in my content and help people land the best jobs.
I started aggregating jobs from popular job boards first. Then I started building a huge spreadsheet with all remote companies. Then expanded to all tech companies, remote or not. And then to companies beyond that. My list has now about 20000 companies.
And what's best, I have a scraper on all those companies' career's pages, and a cron listening for new jobs published every day.
I'm cleaning dozens of data points into a normalised JSON format, and it's beautiful. It was a lot of nerdy work, but I love what I've built so far.

I'm indexing salaries, timezones, skill requirements, remote status, perks, etc across hundreds of thousands of jobs. This data ingestion piece is the heartbeat of
Now there's a some work to be done on the frontend, especially the matchmaking between jobs and users. And that's why I'm starting some beta testing inside the Remote Jobs Braintrust Slack.

I'm very excited to get this action started, and soon I should announce the launch date for everyone on the waitlist, who will have early access to the
Thanks for reading this newsletter until the end. You can read all past editions here. Make sure to share it with your friends and colleagues so they can read it too.
See you next Friday,
Sergio Pereira,
Startup CTO & Remote Work Lover